Apr 14, 2011
Looking for a little organic inspiration to make your wedding a stand out? Whether aesthetically or symbolically, here are our top six herbs you might like to use.
For countless years herbs have had symbolic meanings ranging from healing powers to calming nerves to lifting one’s spirits. Brides have historically carried them in their bouquets and in their bridal crowns for many different reasons. Some for texture, some for smell and some for the meaning they will bestow.
Below are some of the most commonly used wedding herbs and the symbolism behind each. Incorporating an herb or two into your bouquet or centerpiece adds a textural element as well as a modern organic look. Other uses include accessorizing your appetizer platters, tablescape, signature drink… use your imagination!

Some of our Favorites:
Rosemary is the herb of remembrance. This is why it is so commonly used at weddings, so every guest will remember the special day. Rosemary was used for weddings by Ancient Greek brides in their bridal crowns. Today rosemary can adorn a boutonniere, a place setting, be given as a guest favor or add texture to a floral arrangement.
Marjoram is the Greek symbol of joy and happiness. Marjoram also represents goodwill as the couple starts their new life. Marjoram was also used by Ancient Greek brides in their bridal crowns. This green herb can add subtle interest to many flower combinations and most wouldn’t even know what it is.
Lavender is the herb of devotion. Lavender is used in wedding bouquets for symbol of devotion as well as the signature aroma of the herb. Lavender has a soothing smell that can help calm the bride’s nerves. Lavender is probably the most popular herb of today and has been used in countless weddings in many different ways.
Thyme is the symbol of strength and courage. For courage brides tuck thyme into their bouquet and tie it with white ribbon. Thyme was also tucked into knights armor before battle to give them strength and courage. This herb makes a perfect accompaniment to amaranthus as a dangling addition to your florals.
Sage is the herb of long life, good health, and domestic sweetness. If sage and garlic are both carried by a bride it was believed to give her great wisdom as well as goodness. For the modern day, sage is a nice addition to centerpieces and serving platters. Depending on the variety, like prairie sage, there is a beautiful blue-green shade to use.
Dill is the herb of lust. It was believed that a bride would only lust for her husband if she carried dill in her bouquet. Dill was especially commonly used when the couple was to ‘consummate’ their marriage directly after (- that might be dating it a little!) Besides its meaning, dill can add a soft texture to your bouquet too. Not surprising that dill was named 2010 Herb of the Year by the International Herb Association.

Maybe one or two of these herbs can add that organic and natural touch to your wedding!

Mar 1, 2011
Having a few nerves about looking and feeling your best on your wedding day? Or interested in stepping up your current workout with some pro fitness tips? Do I have something special for you!
I feel so fortunate to have had the chance to chat and catch up with one of my former brides – the super busy, gorgeous and talented Karen Mullarkey – IFBB pro figure competitor. Think of Mr. Universe, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, competitions for the level she competes at.
Karen shares some fabulous fitness and diet tips with us – just like having your own online personal trainer! Read up and buckle down for your own bridal boot camp to tone your arms and upper body and your veil will be the only thing swaying in the breeze…

How did you achieve your current position as an IFBB Pro?
I earned my IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilders) pro card in July of 2007. I began competing in figure as an amateur in 2004. I did my first 2 local shows here in Arizona and qualified by placing third and second to compete at the National level. I spent 2.5 years traveling the country, competing at the National level and consistently placing in the top 6. Finally in July of 2007, I earned my IFBB pro card in New York City by placing second in my class. That was one of the happiest days of my life because all of those years of hard work and sacrifice had finally paid off. Needless to say, we had a great time in the city that night:)
What is it like competing on a stage?
Competing on stage is a pure adrenaline rush! I still get a little nervous stepping on stage in 5 inch heels, but I think I am more taken over by adrenaline. There is something to be said for strutting around on stage showing off your hours of time spent in the gym not to mention, all the sacrifice I had made with my diet. When I step on stage, I make it a point to show off my hard work. I tell my clients who are prepping for a show that it is all about ATTITUDE. If you are not confident, it will show!
What motivates you on days that you just don’t feel like working out?
I actually have a trainer, Ernie Villegas, who has been training me for the past 7 years. Yes, trainers need trainers too! It helps because I have an appointment with him 5 days a week to weight train, so I have to be there. For those of you that are looking to get back into the gym, you should definitely consider hiring a trainer so you are forced to show up. Trainers don’t like it when our clients cancel, plus we are going to push you much harder than you will push yourself!
What are your Top Exercises for brides so they can look and feel fabulous in their wedding dresses?
I have trained several gals that wanted to get into shape before the BIG DAY! They all wanted to drop weight and to tone their upper bodies. Here are a few exercises that work great to tone your arms, back and shoulders……
1) Dips
2) Dumbbell Bicep Curls
3) Tricep Pushdowns
4) Lat Pull Downs
5) Seated Rows
6) Cable Curls
7) Overhead Tricep Extensions
8) Dumbbell Shoulder Press
9) Dumbbell Side Laterals
10) Dumbbell Front Raises
Try doing each exercise for a total of 3 sets for 15 repetitions. Don’t forget to combine your workout program with cardio and clean eating. Diet is 80%!
What is your favorite snack that fills the void so you don’t feel like cheating on your diet?
My favorite snack is a tablespoon of peanut or almond butter and 2 rice cakes. Nut butters are loaded with “good” fats and will keep you full longer. Rice cakes are packed with complex carbs and a touch of sweetness!
As a bride, what was your favorite thing about planning your wedding?
As a bride, I really enjoyed putting all of the colors together. Thank the lord I found Merrily, because she was able to help me put it all together. My husband is Scottish and wanted to wear his family tartan (kilt). I complemented the colors of the kilt with wine colored bridesmaids dresses. I have to say the guys in their kilts and the gals in their gorgeous dresses made for amazing pictures. It was certainly overwhelming in the beginning, but Merrily guided me through it.

What memory or moment on your wedding day still makes you giggle?
My favorite memory was pushing a piece of cake in my husbands face. Ladies, don’t be afraid to go for it…..it made for some amazing pics. Yes, he did get me back and it was certainly worth the laugh!
If you could pass on one last piece of advice to a bride, what would it be?
My advice would be to hire a wedding coordinator that knows her stuff. I found Merrily by chance by doing a google search for wedding coordinators in the Tahoe area. Out of all the ones I had contacted, she was the very 1st to call me back. That showed me that she was on top of her game and reliable, not to mention our personalities clicked immediately. She was able to take so much stress off my back throughout the process. I did not have a care in the world come our wedding day because I knew she had it handled.
What is next for Karen Mullarkey?
Funny you should ask! I just announced that I am leaving the IFBB and crossing over into another federation as a pro. I am now a WBFF (World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation) pro and will competing in my 1st competition with them in Quebec, Canada this April. I am currently dieting for my competition and hitting the gym hard.
I am also working very hard at my fitness modeling career. My goal this year is to land my very 1st cover. It would be a dream come true to grace the cover of Oxygen Magazine in the near future…..only time will tell.
Lastly, I am working hard at building my personal training business “No Mullarkey” Personal Training! I absolutely love working with my clients and helping them reach their full fitness potential. It is so neat to watch my clients self-esteem increase and their body fat decrease! If you don’t live in the Scottsdale, AZ area, I also do virtual training as well and you can find more info at www.karenmullarkey.com. I would love to help you ladies get ready for your BIG DAY!
Remember…..”No Excuses and that’s No Mullarkey”!
Thanks Karen! Don’t know about you, but I sure am motivated to hit the weights!

Feb 8, 2011

The word amazing has been bugging me lately and become sort of a pet peeve. I cringe whenever I hear it or read it.
This is the most excessively used word in the English language. Really it is – last tested on 9.30.10. Do you seriously take notice or believe when someone says “That was amazing” or “What an amazing time”? It’s completely lost any credibility and descriptive powers.
If it’s not too late, I would like to add this to my New Year’s resolutions – to stop using the word amazing!
This word has been used so much on this season’s The Bachelor, a late-night TV-show host couldn’t resist to make a drinking game out of the number of times it is said during an episode (hear amazing, drink – you get it). You feel your IQ shrink a little after watching this show.
I am sure I am guilty as well for overusing this word in describing past weddings (and probably even on this blog) but now that I am consciously aware of it, I am striking this word from my vocabulary. You will not see or hear it in any of my correspondence with my clients and colleagues – email or phone.
Let’s use our noodles a little and think of suitable synonyms for this word. Dust off that thesaurus or download an app – whatever you favor. Our English teachers will love us for it!
Feel free to comment about your opinion on this word, but please, try not to use the word amazing.

Feb 2, 2011
Metallics are going to be hot. Whether you are a gold gal or a silver gal or something inbetween, there is a precious metal shade for you… platinum, copper, bronze, gold or silver.
Copper is a natural compliment to the fall hues, bronze looks stunning with vibrant colors (think of how great a bronzed, tan body looks in bright summery clothes…). Gold always adds a richness and sophistication to the design. Platinum brings a cool, classic antique elegance to the table while a shiny silver gives a sleek gleam.

One of our brides added a bronze sash with beaded floral rosettes to her bridesmaids’ black dresses for a one-of-a-kind style. Simple touches like choosing a gold rimmed plate or gold rimmed champagne glasses will add detail.
It is easy to incorporate this fresh trend into your wedding style by selecting an embellished wedding gown, a metallic linen or a wedding accessory like a hair clip, shoe or belt with your favorite metal color. Groomsmen attire isn’t off limits either! Key focal points to consider include your invitation, your wedding cake as well as a multitude of elements in your tablescape.

Credits: Clockwise from upper left – Jean Michael Cazabet, Lela New York , Melissa Jill Photography, Gold Cake, Brides of Leigh, Melissa Jill Photography – next three photos.
Center photo – Kate Webber Photography – Merrily Wed Wedding.
There are so many ways to play with this metallic trend. Have fun with it!
Jan 7, 2011

Thinking about an engagement party? Read up on this Engagement Party 101… As a nice follow-up to our earlier post on “Announcing Your Engagement” and with so many engagements around the holiday season, we thought we would clear up the etiquette around engagement parties.
An engagement party is a time to celebrate the engagement of the bride and groom while spending time with close family and friends. Who wouldn’t want to do that?? I always think it is a perfect time to get everyone excited about the trip for the destination wedding (if they aren’t already!) as well as introduce possible single travel buddies to each other.
To clear up any confusion about the proper engagement party etiquette, here are 5 simple tips to help you….

1. When should the engagement party be held?
There is not an exact proper time to have an engagement party but it should fall sometime after the couple is officially engaged and before the wedding. The engagement party should be closer to the beginning of the engagement than to the date of the wedding.
2. Who should host the engagement party?
Traditionally the parents of the bride host the engagement party. It is not uncommon anymore for the groom’s parents, siblings or friends of the couple to host the party. The bride and groom should not ask someone to host the party for them nor host the party themselves.
3. Where should the engagement party be held?
Engagement parties can range from being formal to very informal depending on the venue – a house or a restaurant are the most popular. Guests should not travel to the party, especially if having a destination wedding. Therefore having multiple parties are common when hosted in different towns or by different groups of family/friends.
4. Who should be invited?
Engagement parties are usually small and intimate affairs but can also be quite large. Generally close family and friends are invited to celebrate the engagement. Only guests attending the wedding should be invited to the engagement party.
5. Should guests bring gifts to an engagement party?
The couple should not expect any guests to bring gifts. BUT some guests may bring a gift so it is important to have a gift registry started before the engagement party.
Here’s to all the newly engaged couples as they revel in this special time in their lives!
Live, Love and Laugh…

Dec 30, 2010
With all the gifts given this Holiday Season, chances are a few were a shiny engagement ring. The Holidays and New Year’s Eve are the most popular times of the year to become engaged (well, right behind Valentine’s Day…).
Once you are engaged then what? Who and how do you tell the big news? We know you are probably wanting to tweet it to the world but here are a few more practical PC ways for spreading the exciting news!

Your parents should be the first to hear the big news! Traditionally the bride’s parents are told first (if the groom didn’t already ask dad for her hand in marriage beforehand – very traditional etiquette) and then the groom’s parents. If both parents live nearby then you could tell them at the same time if you choose and if not, just make sure they are both told within a close timeframe so there are no hurt feelings.
If you have children, then they should be the first to know. If the child is from a previous relationship it might take them a little while to get adjusted to the big change. If they are from your current relationship, you will want to have your child hear it from you first and not from someone else.
Close Relatives:
After you tell your parents you should tell your close relatives. These should be any siblings, grandparents, and other relatives you are particularly close to. A great time to share the big news with these family members can be over the holidays when many of these family members will be together (if they didn’t happen to be present during the proposal!).
Finally you can share the news with your friends! This might be hard for many of you to keep from your best friends and closest confidants. If you absolutely cannot wait, you can slip it to a few BFFs but make sure they keep it a secret until you have time to tell your immediate family.
Formal Announcement:
The most traditional way to announce your engagement is by mailing a formal announcement. Be careful who you send this announcement – everyone who is sent an engagement announcement should also be invited to the wedding. This can double as a save-the-date if you have already set your wedding date.
Newspaper Announcement:
Announce your engagement in the society section of your hometown newspaper. Chances are you might not live in the same location as when you grew up and this is a great way to let all the people back home know of the wonderful news.
At A Party:
By announcing your engagement at a party you can tell a lot of people at once. This party is not to be confused with your engagement party when all of your friends are invited to celebrate during your engagement. If you are engaged around the holidays then a holiday gathering is another great time to let your family know. Please make sure not to announce it at someone else’s event so they do not feel upstaged by your big news.
A more creative way to announce your engagement is to have an engagement photo shoot with your new fiancé. Take one of your favorite photos from the shoot and turn it into a post card. You can do this on virtually any online photo service or where you locally get your pictures developed. On the postcard you can add a quick announcement or a more elaborate quote about love, the engagement and, if known, a wedding date. These postcards are a fun and easy way to announce your news and are now more commonly doubling as a Save the Date!
We raise our glasses to all the newly engaged couples as they begin this magical and exciting time of planning a wedding! Happy Engagement!